American War Collection: Patriots at War – Revolutionary War – Civil War – Abraham Lincoln – World War I – Birth of Flight

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.Thomas Jefferson

This riveting documentary collection explores the courage, camaraderie and human drama of American soldiers across the battlefields of early wartime history. The stories of those who bravely fought for the liberty and freedom of our great nation are presented in this comprehensive set filled with footage and interviews portraying our heroic Patriots At War.

13 DVDs – 34 hours 20 minutes

World War I: The War to End All Wars

WWI: The War To End All Wars is a unique, 10-part, comprehensive look at the war that shaped the 20th Century. Through rare, actual battle footage and rare veteran interviews, The War To End All Wars takes you from the assassination of the Austrian Arch Duke in 1914, to the final desperate battles of 1918. Unique and stunning, you will go-over-the-top on the Western Front and witness the carnage in Russia. You’ll take to the skies in the world’s first air war and ride with the legendary Lawrence of Arabia. This is more than a historical or military account of WWI, it is a riveting and personal account of a defining moment in world history.

3 DVDs 7 hr 17 min

Civil War

The American Civil War pitted brother against brother, and in the end, it created a nation. Discover the issues in the unprecedented election of 1860, an election that tore a young nation apart. Civil War: America Divided is a breathtaking 10-part journey into the bloodiest war in American history, and more than a retelling of history, it brings history to life. Through historical photos and masterfully crafted battlefield re-enactments, experience the war through the soldier’s point-of-view.

3 DVDs 7 hr 36 min

Lincoln – Trial By Fire – Documentary Collection

Explore the life and times of Abraham Lincoln in five insightful documentaries! It s a historical journey through one the most significant times in our nation’s history.

3 DVDs 8 hr 47 min

The Revolutionary War – Heroes and Battles – 4 Documentary Set

This exciting and insightful collection features 4 documentary programs chronicling, with great detail, the battles and major events of The Revolutionary War.

1 DVD 3 hr 44 min

Birth of Flight – A History of Civil Aviation

A Complete Chronology of the World of Aviation! From the exhilarating and perilous days of early fight, to the present, where travel on commercial flights all over the world is as common as travel by car, this program chronicles the complete history of the airplane and the persons who have had the biggest impact on the world of aviation including: Wilbur and Orville Wright, Henri Fabre, Sir Frank Whittle, William E. Boeing and many more! From Lindburgh through to modern marvels such as the Boeing 787, this 8-part series explores the amazing world of aviation!

3 DVDs 6 hr 56 min

  • Factory sealed DVD

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