Birth Of THe New World – A Spiritual Revolution In Birth And The Human Potential

Visionary Artist Davin Infinity brings you a film that inspires with beautiful imagery, atmospheric soundscapes and thought provoking themes. The Birth of the New World is an artistic journey from Conscious Creation to Jaiya- New World Sex Educator s Home Water Birth and beyond. This film is a wonderful meditation piece for any woman or couple who are planning on having a baby.

Birth of the New World can also be used as a powerful tool for help you to manifest a new way of being on this planet that includes the sensual, the creative and the aliveness that so many of us desire. You are living at the crossroads of the greatest transformation and the greatest crisis to ever occur on this planet. Within every crisis is great opportunity. Many transformational strategies and tools are being implemented across the globe as we race to leave the illusion of the old dying paradigm.

We, as a collective, are about to give birth to an incredible leap of consciousness. Just like any birth, our process will be pain with a purpose – an initiation into becoming a new being with new responsibilities.

Birth of the New World is an educational, spiritual and artistic journey that is an incredible look into the nature of birth and new beginnings. It is a breakthrough in the art of cutting edge, conscious, thought provoking filmmaking. Featuring the beautiful music of Amoraea Dreamseed, Awyn, and many others, as well as the epic transformational animation of Davin Infinity. The film also includes amazing footage of the natural water birth of renowned Tantra and Birth Educator Jaiya’s beautiful son. Prepare yourself for a divine and explosive experience – the birth of the new world.

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