Estimation Poker and Squad Health check Twin Deck

Both of our functional and delightful team-game card packs in one premium quality and convenient box. The Estimation Poker deck contains: – 6 decks for 6 estimators to each hold cards with values following the Fibonacci series: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and a coffee break card – for when it all gets a bit much – The Squad Health Check deck contains: – 8 sets of 3 traffic lights – 11 Theme Cards covering some popular health indicators – 9 blank cards so you can define your own themes.

  • 2 Team-game card packs in a premium quality box
  • 1 Estimation Poker deck containing 6 sets of Fibonacci series and a coffee card
  • 1 Squad Health Check deck containing 8 sets of 3 traffic lights including theme and blank cards

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