The Bobbsey Twins are the principal characters of what was, for many years, the longest-running series of children's novles. The books related the adventures of the children of the middle-class Bobbsey family, which included two sets of fraternal...

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A dark past. A hidden power. A dangerous enemy.Harley Merlin has a lot of unanswered questions in her life. What drove her father to kill her mother? How can she know the true extent of her magical abilities? Has Wade Crowley always been this...

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Sweet Valley Twins (also known as Sweet Valley Twins and Friends) was the first spin-off to originate from Sweet Valley High, and was created by Francine Pascal and written by Jamie Suzanne. Published by Bantam Books on the first of July in 1986,...

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Are you curious about how to meet your twin flame or soul mate? Do you want to know the difference between the two? Learn about the mythology of soul mates and twin flames, and the twin flame union, disunion, and the reunion. Why should you...

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Oh!! My Twins - baby log book twins Are you going to be a first time Mom very soon? Are you anxious for the arrival of that special little person? Do you wish to be super organized and have everything recorded and in place? Most “soon to be”...

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One hundred years have passed since the fiery Cataclysm that changed the face of Krynn forever. For one hundred years, the people of Krynn have struggled to survive. But for some, those one hundred years have passed in the blink of an...

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Defying the fate that claimed his evil predecessor, Raistlin opens the Portal to the Abyss and passes through. With Crysania at his side, he engages the Queen of Darkness in a battle for the ultimate prize--a seat among the gods.At the same time,...

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Are You Curious About How To Meet Your Twin Flame or Soul Mate? Do You Want To Know What is the Difference Between the Two? Learn About the Mythology of Soul Mates and Twin Flames and The Twin Flame Union, Disunion, and the Reunion Today only,...

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Nathaniel Branden talks candidly of his early relationship with Ayn Rand and the challenges facing Objectivism today. Robert Hessen speaks about Rand's early friendships with libertarian icons and why she later broke with them. Ed Snider discusses...

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Do you want your children to see the world and grow to love traveling? The Twins Go series shows kids how exciting traveling can be. Follow along boy/girl twins Jack and Olivia as they discover new places, meet new friends, and learn about...

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Sequestered in the blackness of the dreaded Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, surrounded by nameless creatures of evil, Raistlin Majere weaves a plan to conquer the darkness--to bring it under his control.Crysania, a beautiful and devoted cleric...

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Things a bad neighbor can do to you: 1. Have loud parties late at night 2. Refuse to mow his lawn 3. Steal your newspapers 4. Rip your heart out and walk all over it Katya Tocci is willing to admit that she may have bitten off more than she...

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This coloring book was created and illustrated by Jamesha...

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I’m alone in the dark, please can you find me … Nine-year-old twins Abigail and Olivia vow never to be parted. But when Abigail goes missing from Blackwater Farm, DS Jennifer Knight must find her before it’s too late. Twin sister Olivia...

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Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with her happily married parents and older brother. Daphne Vasquez lost her hearing as a child, and grew up with a single mother in a working class neighborhood. Life as they know it is turned upside down...

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Books for Girls 9-12: Twins is the exciting and suspenseful story of twelve year old Casey who unexpectedly finds herself face to face with a new girl named Ali Jackson, the latest addition to Casey's class at school. Usually it would be fun to...

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